Dog-Assisted Rescue Team has Protected many Lives

Specially trained search and rescue dogs are deployed when the knowledge of experts is insufficient, when the refined sense of smell, the instincts, and the perseverance of the dogs are needed. The Rescue24 volunteer rescue team of Hungarian Baptist Aid has worked at the scene of the Sumatran earthquake, in Afghanistan, Japan and in Turkey as well. In addition, they participated in rescue work after the red sludge catastrophe in Hungary (October 4, 2010).

Human Trafficking: What is Modern Slavery?

"It tells the story of those persons, who have been living in slavery even now. They don't build pyramids or galley-slaves on ships, but live on the streets, in houses, or sweat in factories. This book is about these modern day slaves; about power, delusion, deceit, hope, and laws. This thought-provoking topic hits close to home. Our new publication is about human trafficking of secondary-school aged young people. 5000 copies of the book was published and will be delivered to the most endangered and concerned regions of Hungary in the following weeks. Besides the book, a film is about to be finished, dealing with human trafficking. In it will include all elements of our EU-funded anti-trafficking campaign “Raising the awareness in Hungary, Sweden, Italy and Germany about this problem called human trafficking”.

'HELP Village' in Sri Lanka

Sándor Szenczy and other HBAid workers visited the HELP village in Sri Lanka today.

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